EMS Fast Track - EMT-Basic Certification
After over three years, and tens of thousands of dollars, invested by Camp Liberty, Global Medical Response (American Medical Response) disengaged from supporting Warfighters through EMS Fast-Track in February of 2024.
Unfortunately, our relationship was extremely difficult from the start, with a clear reluctance on the part of the Director of Talent Acquisition to properly support the program. Issues with GMR, and non-compliance with the contract, ranged from:
* Failure to market the program.
* Failure to provide contracted equipment.
* Delays in conducting background checks, allowing unqualified personnel to start the program.
* We were expected to provide basic HR support, without having an employee affiliation with GMR.
* Failed to pay on-boarding bonuses to graduates.
* Delays in placement of graduates.
* "Placement" in locations that had long-ago been shut down.
* Long delays in starting meaningful employment, putting graduates at financial risk.
* Insufficient hours to earn a livable wage.
Despite a monumental investment by Camp Liberty in support of the relationship, GMR postponed the September 2023 class until after the turn of the year in 2024. With time passing, and less visibility for EMS Fast-Track, we eventually received the abrupt cancellation shown below.
Unfortunately, while there is a dire need for good people in EMS, we cannot ethically recommend Global Medical Response (American Medical Response) as a valid career option for transitioning Warfighters.